No, it's not the wrong page. It's a golf
If you
could buy an automobile insurance policy that would provide the
*Liability in case of accident
*Comprehensive coverage for your vehicle
*Health care
*Double your fuel mileage
*Guaranteed clear, uncluttered highway for driving
*A chauffeur requiring no pay
And the whole thing cost you less than the present limited
liability policy you now own, would you want it?
Ridiculous? Ridiculous!
automobiles, perhaps. But try the same concept for your
golf game. You can have the following:
*Virtual elimination of
*Playing under stress free conditions with no interference from
*Fewer missed shots *Faster recovery from shots that are missed
*More distance and accuracy
*A Quiet Mind
*Automatic execution of the swing, leaving plenty of time and
energy for the creative business of playing.
Those are the advantages you own when you understand and learn
how to use Clear Keys in the process of learning your golf swing.
Clear Keys assist learning and storing the memory of what you
learn. The beauty is that they also get you from the practice tee
to the golf course without a hitch.
Swing keys help you determine what to do. Clear keys allow you to get the job done. You need both. Each has its own time-frame. And they are different in kind and function.
There are, however, cracks in the traditional pavement.